Church Live has integrated giving built into each Church Live Channel page. The giving module allows viewers to quickly give any amount on their credit card, debit card or directly out of their checking account. The viewer of your channel will stay on your page during the entire process and therefore won't miss a second of your live stream. The donor can also select the option to turn any gift into a monthly giving commitment if they wish too. (You will need to upgrade your account to accept recurring transactions - no additional fees)
Each giving account is a full transaction processing account and shows your church's name on all donor statements, eliminating any confusion with donors to whom they are sending their gifts. The online giving system is also fully compatible with Church Web Works websites which allows you to collect money for events, products and giving.
Setup Fee: None
Credit & debit card per transaction: 3.25% + $0.40
Deposits are made the day following settlement. You will receive the full funds and the transaction fees will be pulled from your deposit account once a month.